A True Guardian of Humanity
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Item#: 9278
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Item #: SCP-9278


{Picture of SCP-9278 taken during first day of containment.}

Object Class: Euclid.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-9278 is to be contained inside of the standard humanoid containment cell, however, the lighting inside of the cell is to be doubled, with multiple lights in each corner of the room for SCP-9278's anomalous properties to be negated. SCP-9278's cell is to be guarded by no less than three guards, all wielding green shotguns that exclusively fire beanbag rounds. Each shotgun has a three-hundred and a fifty-lumen flashlight attached to them. The guards are instructed to enter the cell at any sign of the lights beginning to malfunction and are to use the flashlights attached to the weapons by shining them on SCP-9278 until the lights are fixed. If SCP-9278 does not cooperate, they are ordered to fire multiple rounds at the entity to induce cooperation in the subject.

Description: SCP-9278 is a small entity, its height being around 1.63m, while it's weight is around 54kg. SCP-9278 has gray skin, long black hair, a skull-like face, two horns on its head, and three spikes on its back. SCP-9278 also has tattoos on its body, none of which can be understood due to the unknown language it is in. SCP-9278 usually wears no clothes beside thigh-highs and arm warmers, despite being anatomically correct. It does have a fully black outfit for interviews or other interactions with the Foundation staff, though SCP-9278 seems to avoid wearing clothes unless it needs to. The reason for this is unknown but is believed to just be the general comfort of the entity. SCP-9278 is physically incapable of speaking English, but the entity does understand the language and seems to have quite a bit of knowledge about English. It is unable to understand any other language, though, except for the languages SCP-9278-1 speaks.

SCP-9278's anomalous properties start with the entity's target, which is to be dubbed SCP-9278-1 for the rest of the document. Testing has shown that SCP-9278 chooses an SCP-9278-1 is decided on three factors, though there is a possibility for being more. the first being on how SCP-9278 views them, so there is a very high chance of the entity protecting someone nice or kind to it in the past. The second factor is how important the person is to the Foundation, often using the clearance level as a basis of importance. The third and final factor is on who the person themself is, with SCP-9278 only protecting the people it considers 'good'. Currently, SCP-9278 does not have a target and has not had one for two weeks, which is the second-longest period of time the entity has gone without having an SCP-9278-1.

SCP-9278 is able to heal all non-fatal, and some fatal injuries or illnesses that are affecting SCP-9278-1 at any time using the shadows that are near SCP-9278-1. However, SCP-9278 is unable to heal injuries in rapid succession, with SCP-9278 receiving the injuries of SCP-9278-1 if it does heal SCP-9278-1 multiple times in a large span of time. SCP-9278 is also able to purge any negative effect, such as being paralyzed or poisoned. SCP-9278 is able to immediately recognize when SCP-9278-1 is in danger. Through testing, it has been revealed that even though it knows the current target is in danger, it is unsure of how exactly SCP-9278-1 is in danger. It is also unknown how SCP-9278 recognizes the danger or condition SCP-9278-1 is in, but it is presumably a spiritual connection SCP-9278 makes with SCP-9278-1 when it first decides for the current SCP-9278-1 to be its target.

Another one of SCP-9278's anomalous traits is the entity's property of controlling and traveling in darkness, using the darkness to create weapons, tools, as well as two tentacles for attacking people who harm either SCP-9278 or SCP-9278-1. SCP-9278 usually doesn't use this trait otherwise, remaining as a non-hostile entity until provoked in some capacity.

Addendum: N/A.

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